So you’ve just broken a promise to yourself.
You ate the whole pack or finished the bottle.
You had ample opportunities to stop.
Don’t be hard on yourself, we all do it.
To prevent it happening too often…work backwards.
Could you have not taken the last bite/sip?
Could you not have left it front of you?
Could you have portioned it up at the start?
Could you have kept it out of site?
Could you have said no to it at the check out?
Could you have gone shopping when you were not hungry?
Could you have made a list before shopping?
Could you have taken some breaks at work to prevent being tired?
Could you have had one less coffee to help you sleep better?
Could you…..
…you get the picture.
What can you do to break the chain?
Ready to break the chain? Contact me for a consultation/chat.
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